Welcome to SCMA248 Introduction to Data Science

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to four key aspects of data science: data retrieval and manipulation, data visualization, statistical computing and machine learning, and presentation and communication. Students will use data from a variety of sources, be introduced to contemporary computing and database environments such as R and SQL, and be exposed to case studies from outside the classroom. Through this unit, students will become familiar with the challenges of contemporary data science and gain an understanding of the fundamental skills needed to turn data into information. Finally, students will have the opportunity to practice a presentation on group data science projects.

The class notes for this course can be found from my Github repository: https://github.com/pairote-sat/SCMA248.

In this course, you will learn:

  • an introduction to key aspects of data science

  • data retrieval and manipulation,

  • data visualization,

  • statistical computation and machine learning,

  • presentation and communication

  • an introduction to contemporary computing and database environments such as R and SQL.